Motivating the Mundane Monday

Oh my oh my….it’s been quite a while. I feel horrible for not posting in such a long time, but life has been happening, and it is happening in a good way. Let’s change this Mundane Monday into a Motivating Monday, shall we?







FREE Yourself!

Free Yourself!!!!

This Things To Do Thursday is to Free Yourself! I don’t mean by taking off your bra, but if you are into that…More Power To You :)! The meaning I have behind this is to let your mind and inhibitions go for just a while. You don’t have to run out and get a tattoo or quit your day job, but to do just one thing just one day a week that makes you feel completely free. I am sure many people have so many different meanings of what this means. For me it can mean taking some time to doodle anything without having a plan or wearing that one article of clothing that has been hanging in your closet because it’s for a “special occasion” or you’re not sure if you can “pull it off”. All Polka Dot Tango is asking One Hour, One Day A Week. Below is a list of some simple ideas that may help you out with this task and I hope it helps or conjures up new ideas of your own!

Doodle with absolutely no idea what the final piece is going to look like.

Grab that article of clothing you have been dying to wear the last month or year and wear it! To work, to dinner, to bowling, wherever works.

Think of nothing. Really, nothing at all. Close your eyes, listen to what’s around you and your breathing, and don’t rush yourself.

Blow bubbles. I keep a bottle of bubbles in my car. True story.

Sing really really loud. Cracks, loss of voice, off key are all highly recommended if you are not blessed with the voice of an angel.

Say what’s on your mind knowing it will not kill you. It works miracles and you will get the greatest facial expressions back.

If you walk or run, do a cartwheel. If you don’t know how to do a cartwheel, throw up some rock on hand signs just because you’re awesome.

If you see a pretty flower, pick it and wear it in your hair.

Dance all the time.

Accept yourself and those around you. Do it peacefully and graciously.

These are just my ideas and of course everyone is different. I hope that this inspires you and let Polka Dot Tango know what you did to Free Yourself!

Motivational Monday is Here!!!!

Bubbles always seem magical to me.

Hello all and welcome to the beginning of the work week. This weekend was filled with birthday parties, cool breezes in warm weather, and some much needed face time with the family. This morning I came across a great tumblr at There are many beautiful images and words for you to look at, so many that when I got to page 56 I realized that I needed to get back to work. Anywho, hope you enjoy these inspirational words and fantastic imagery on this Monday.

So true.

This should be tattooed on my forehead.

Easier said than done.


This reminds me of sherbet and sherbet makes me happy.